What documents are required for LEI registration?

The documentation required for an LEI application varies based on the entity type. When applying for an LEI, the information provided in the registration application will be cross-checked with The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) accredited registries.

When applying for an LEI for entity types such as Business Corporations (LTD), Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP), or similar entities registered with Corporate Registry, there is no requirement to include additional documents with the application form.

This is because the LOU verification process relies on information obtained from Corporate Registry, which offers comprehensive data on local entities.

Please be aware that if any additional documents are required for the LEI application, we will contact you to request them.

Letter of Authorization

One document that we often send for signing is the Letter of Authorization (LoA). This document is required if the applicant is not listed on the GLEIF accredited registries, and we would need an authorized person to add their signature to the application. Another instance where we request an LoA is during a transfer application.

The LoA document can be signed electronically within seconds. You can easily share the link with the appropriate individual for their signature.

Not an active officer

If your name does not appear as an active officer in the registry data for the entity, but you are auhtorized to act on its behalf, you must provide evidence to establish the authority. This can be accomplished by submitting an empowerment document that identifies the authorized representatives of the legal entity.

Empowerment documents can include various types of records, such as Minutes of the Board Meeting, Certificates of Incumbency, Statutes, and Trust Deeds.

Entities that need to provide additional information

1. Child entities: If another company owns controlling shares of your company (typically over 50%), and the parent company consolidates the accounts, you must attach the latest financial consolidation report of the parent company as proof of the relationship on the registration form. 

2. Trusts and funds: When applying, the data provided will be checked against the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) (Canadian Securities Administrators). We may ask you for additional documents that include the name, address, and authorized representatives of the trust or fund, if the entity is not registered.

3. Pension schemes: When applying, we will request additional documents (e.g., a pension deed) that clearly state the name, address, and authorized representatives of the pension scheme.

What documents are required for LEI registration?

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$79 CAD / year

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