LEI Search and Lookup - Check Your LEI Number

MD Financial Management Inc.


LEI: 54930022WPTHOSLI7H90

Canada, Ottawa, 1870 Alta Vista Drive, K1G 6R7
Legal Name
MD Financial Management Inc.
Registered At
Corporate Registry (Corporations Canada)
Canada, Canada
Registration Authority Entity ID
Legal Jurisdiction
Entity Category
Entity Legal Form Code
business corporation (en)
Entity Status
Entity Created At
BIC Code


Legal Address
1870 Alta Vista Drive
K1G 6R7
CA | Canada
Headquarters Address
1870 Alta Vista Drive
K1G 6R7
CA | Canada

Registration Details

LEI Initial Registration Date
LEI Last Update Date
LEI Registration Status
LEI Next Renewal Date
Managing LOU
Bloomberg Finance L.P. (Bloomberg Finance L.P.)
Validation Sources
Validated At
Corporate Registry (Corporations Canada)
Canada, Canada
Validated As


Managed Funds
MD Platinum Global Real Estate TrustMD Platinum Global Private Equity TrustMD PLATINUM GLOBAL PRIVATE EQUITY 2023 INTERMEDIATE LPMD PLATINUM GLOBAL PRIVATE EQUITY 2023 TRUSTMD American Growth FundMDPIM S&P 500 Index PoolMD PLATINUM GLOBAL PRIVATE EQUITY GP LTD.Portefeuille de croissance modérée précision MDMD Strategic Yield FundFonds international de croissance MDMD Fossil Fuel Free Equity FundMD Precision Canadian Moderate Growth FundMDPIM Strategic Yield PoolMD Precision Maximum Growth PortfolioMD Precision Balanced Income PortfolioMD Precision Maximum Growth Index PortfolioMD Strategic Opportunities FundFonds collectif d'actions américaines GPPMDMD PLATINUM GLOBAL REAL ESTATE POOL LPMD Precision Moderate Balanced Index PortfolioMD Precision Conservative PortfolioMD Dividend Growth FundMD Fossil Fuel Free Bond FundPortefeuille équilibré modéré, Précision MDFonds américain de valeur MDMDPIM Global Tactical Opportunities PoolFonds collectif indiciel d'actions internationales GPPMDMD Precision Balanced Growth Index PortfolioMDPIM Dividend PoolFonds collectif d'actions internationales GPPMDMD Precision Canadian Balanced Growth FundMDPIM Bond PoolFonds d'obligations à court terme MDMDPIM Emerging Markets Equity PoolMD Growth Investments LimitedMDPIM S&P/TSX Capped Composite Index PoolMD Platinum Global Private Equity Pool LPMDPIM Canadian Equity PoolFonds de valeur international MDFonds d'actions MDMD Bond FundMDPIM Strategic Opportunities PoolMD Precision Conservative Index PortfolioFonds monétaire MDMD PLATINUM GLOBAL PRIVATE CREDIT POOL LPMDPIM Short-Term Bond PoolFonds d'actions canadiennes MDPortefeuille équilibréde croissance, Précision MD
NON_CONSOLIDATING (Direct Parent Exception reported)
NON_CONSOLIDATING (Ultimate Parent Exception reported)

You can raise a simple challenge regarding LEI data or proceed with the full LEI data renewal.

Proceed with full LEI data renewal - we will validate the data from the Corporate Registry

Raise a simple LEI challenge - just tell us what is wrong with the current data in your own words


LEI Next Renewal Date:
Your LEI is currently being managed by [current_lou]. Please note that during renewal process your LEI will be transferred to another GLEIF accredited LEI provider.
The LEI has lapsed, and you must conduct an annual renewal with the transfer process.
Your LEI is currently being managed by [current_lou]. You are about to transfer your LEI under LEI Register management. To complete the process we need to transfer your LEI to our Partner LOU, RapidLEI. RapidLEI is a GLEIF accredited LEI issuer. Please choose below between a regular transfer (LEI will not be renewed) or a transfer with LEI renewal.

What is the difference between an LEI transfer and LEI renewal?

LEI renewal is an annual update of the registration data related to the Legal Entity in the GLEIF database. The data related to the entity has to be updated at least once a year.

LEI transfer is the movement of the LEI code from one service provider to another. The LEI is transferrable to ensure the client has a choice between the service providers. If the client is not happy with the fees, service or data quality it can move the LEI to another LEI issuer (LOU). In the process of transfer the LEI number does not change. It is a back-end process which is not visible to end customers. All the LEI codes are valid in every jurisdictions. Investment service providers can not differentiate the LEI numbers according to the LOU.

LEI Register offers a transfer service with an LEI renewal to ensure the highest level of data accuracy.
To continue with the renewal we first need to transfer your LEI, please use the LEI transfer form to continue with the renewal.
"Dear customer, Your LEI is currently being managed by our partner LOU RapidLEI, but not under our management as a Registration Agent. We appreciate your interest in our service but unfortunately can not currently support your entity. To renew your LEI, please contact RapidLEI directly at [email protected] or visit their partner site to find your local partner. Thank you for understanding! LEI Register Support Team"
Dear customer, You currently have a valid contract with us for LEI code [lei]. The contract is valid until [paid_until]. This means we will take care of the annual LEI renewals for you until [paid_until]. Your can check your LEI data here: [leicert_link] If you need to update your LEI details or have any questions, please contact us at [site_email].
Do you agree with the transfer and continue to renew the LEI with the same application?
You are about to complete the LEI transfer application. As a final confirmation we need to make sure that you have on purpose selected LEI transfer without data renewal. Would you would still like to renew your LEI with the transfer ?